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Does spending time posting mean you don't have "a life"? [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : Does spending time posting mean you don't have "a life"?

07-30-2001, 12:45 PM
I've heard this implied in numerous posts the last couple of days...people saying that they don't post b/c they have a life is this implying that those of us who do post don't have a life? Or are these people mistaken in their underlying insult to all of us regular posters?

<IMG SRC="" width=300 height=80>

<font color="#0F00CD">~~~~"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."--E. Roosevelt~~~~</font color="#0F00CD">

07-30-2001, 01:13 PM
SUNNY - That's plain silly. Regular posters are engaging in a form of social interaction that may be a bit atypical currently, but grows more accepted with each passing year.

It's not as if the internet is our only it?

07-30-2001, 01:47 PM
...must post....

I will get a sig pic...eventually

07-30-2001, 02:40 PM

Steamrolling toward 1,000 posts

07-30-2001, 02:49 PM
bah, lives are overrated.

I will get a sig pic...eventually

07-30-2001, 06:49 PM

<img src="">
<center><A HREF=>Click Here To Access The Music Project Server</A></center>

07-30-2001, 06:59 PM

I will get a sig pic...eventually

07-30-2001, 08:07 PM
Well it's not that I have a life
persay, I've been busy
moving. But I always resort
back to this place for solace
and comfort. I hope I didn't
offend you in any way

Even in my hustle and
bustle of a life these days, I
always enjoy coming's addicting like
crack......Poot's crack that is.

Piddlers and BJQs do it better....There you are you sexy thang...come love me darling.

07-30-2001, 08:19 PM
Define "life," please.

07-30-2001, 08:39 PM
Main Entry: 1life
Pronunciation: 'lIf
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural lives /'lIvz/
Etymology: Middle English lif, from Old English lIf; akin to Old English libban to live -- more at LIVE
Date: before 12th century
1 a : the quality that distinguishes a vital and functional being from a dead body b : a principle or force that is considered to underlie the distinctive quality of animate beings -- compare VITALISM 1 c : an organismic state characterized by capacity for metabolism, growth, reaction to stimuli, and reproduction
2 a : the sequence of physical and mental experiences that make up the existence of an individual b : one or more aspects of the process of living
4 : spiritual existence transcending physical death
5 a : the period from birth to death b : a specific phase of earthly existence c : the period from an event until death d : a sentence of imprisonment for the remainder of a convict's life
6 : a way or manner of living
8 : a vital or living being; specifically : PERSON
9 : an animating and shaping force or principle
11 : the form or pattern of something existing in reality
12 : the period of duration, usefulness, or popularity of something
13 : the period of existence (as of a subatomic particle) -- compare HALF-LIFE
14 : a property (as resilience or elasticity) of an inanimate substance or object resembling the animate quality of a living being
15 : living beings (as of a particular kind or environment)
16 a : human activities b : animate activity and movement c : the activities of a given sphere, area, or time
17 : one providing interest and vigor
18 : an opportunity for continued viability
19 capitalized, Christian Science : GOD 1b
20 : something resembling animate life

I will get a sig pic...eventually

I will get a sig pic...eventually

07-31-2001, 04:07 AM
It is not so much we don't have a life, but that our jobs are boring and we find refuge in the board during the day.


<img border="0" src="" width="200" height="100">

"There's nothing more exhilarating than pointing out the shortcomings of others, is there?"

07-31-2001, 12:38 PM

The "definitions" you borrowed from the dictionary do not and cannot describe or define what life is because it is assumed that life is objective and is expereinced by all in the same way. They do not address the philisophical CONCEPT.

Look carefully at the definitions and you see most are nonsensical and not definitive at all. Life is defined as being alive. No definition of "alive" is offered. A religious definition is attempted referring to an afterlife, without defining what life itself is. The scientific definition tries hard to describe life (if it can eat shit and fuck it's alive) again, without defining what life is.

Is sentience necessary for life? If not, does it's absence give us the right to kill non-sentient life. How do you define sentience? Is a person in a coma alive? Is he sentient? Can a robot be alive. Is an older person more "alive" than a younger? Is every person subjectively or objectively "alive" in all views of reality.

Cool stuff. Certainly not easy to define.

07-31-2001, 12:41 PM
Of course HK has to go for the indefinite answer lol.

I will get a sig pic...eventually