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Anyone else in here BORED with WWF lately too? [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : Anyone else in here BORED with WWF lately too?

Death Metal Moe
09-18-2001, 04:18 PM
I know that the WWF was cool when Stone Cold was new, and Steve and Vince were fighting. And I LOVE DX. But lately, it's homoblasting. I've had it on muted in the background while I listen to R&F for weeks. And just last night, I plain turned it off. I can't STAND these 50 million story lines. And it's just not holding my interest anymore. Anyone else have an opinion on this topic?


09-19-2001, 05:16 AM
I still like it, Rock vs. Booker, Austin vs. Angle, Edge vs. Christian are all solid fueds.

Rhyno vs. Tajiri, Jericho vs. RVD should be show stealers at Unforgiven.

Hurricane Helms is funny as hell, I hated the gimmick at first but he's making it work.

The Undertaker and Kane (more Taker than Kane) suck as Tag Team Champions, hopefully they will drop the wCw Title's to Kronik Sunday.

Also the WWF has never had a finer roster of women, Trish, Torrie, Lita, Stacy, Steph, Ivory, Molly, Terri. They are all nice to look at.

The WWF should get even more exciting in the next couple of months when Tripke H returns and Scott Steiner signs. Also Jerry Lawler was at RAW and Smackdown! backstage talking to J.R. and Vince, I wouldn't mind him coming back.

<IMG SRC="">
I am That F'n Good! <a href="">WWF Raw Heat Club</a> - <a href="">WWFallon</a>
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09-19-2001, 05:20 AM
I like it too.

RVD's character is being formed, and while we know his in ring performance is over, I think we are starting to see his gimmick get over as well.

The Christian turn is playing out well. I did not want to see E+C break-up, but what there are doing seems to work.

I think we will see the Hardy's characters develop over the next couple months so there singles push can take off

HHH and Benoit's returns will be huge impacts. If they both come back as faces... look to see Jericho turn heel... which is what he is best at!!!

There are many things to come, and I think after the two Feds split wrestling will be right back on top


<img border="0" src="" width="200" height="100">

"There's nothing more exhilarating than pointing out the shortcomings of others, is there?"

<IMG SRC="" width=50 height=28>

09-19-2001, 12:39 PM
I think the problem is that since this whole invasion/alliance angle there are WAY TOO MANY TITLES. Having too many titles dilutes there significance. For example, the IC match this Sunday between Edge and Christian doesn't seem that important, because you know if Christian loses he can go on RAW the next night and fight for the US Title, The Hardcore Title, one of the Cruiserweight Titles, The European Title, etc. If the WCW/ECW is not going to become its own entity then they are going to have to pare down some of these championships and make the remaining titles seem important again instead of flip-flopping them every few weeks. The constantly changing storylines and titles don't really follow any logical trend. It's change for the sake of change, which was exactly the kind of mistake Bischoff made in WCW. I think it's this lack of coherent arc's that's boring the fans.


Death Metal Moe
09-24-2001, 05:39 AM
Got the news letter from the WWF club I signed up for with the results of the pay per view, and I couldn't get excited at all! I don't even care that Angle beat Stone Cold. I can't get into it!

Tonight is the LAST CHANCE for the WWF with me. If I get bored watching Raw tonight, then I'm NEVER turning it on again!

I posted this because you all care.

09-24-2001, 06:26 AM
Tonight is the LAST CHANCE for the WWF with me. If I get bored watching Raw tonight, then I'm NEVER turning it on again!

What could they do that would keep you a fan?

<IMG SRC="">
I am That F'n Good! <a href="">WWF Raw Heat Club</a> - <a href="">WWFallon</a>

09-24-2001, 08:04 AM
I agree with that there are
too many titles.... I mean it
is now shocking if you go a
raw or smack down with at
least one belt change per
event. I still like the WWF
but get rid of the belts or
unify them !!!

David the Franchize
Let them eat Cake!

09-24-2001, 09:17 AM
I still like the WWF but get rid of the belts or unify them!!!

The Alliance is getting their own show and PPV's next year, so they have to keep their title's around.

<IMG SRC="">
<IMG SRC="">
I am That F'n Good! <a href="">WWF Raw Heat Club</a> - <a href="">WWFallon</a>

Death Metal Moe
09-24-2001, 03:29 PM
I got your newsletter WWFallon. It was great! I appreciated the fact that you got it out so quick after the PPV! And no offense to your club. It's not you.

I'm not sure what the WWF can do to keep me. It's just so cluttered with uninteresting story lines. And I STILL think that the WCW guys are nowhere NEAR on par with the WWF guys. Booker T is still a boring match. And I'm pissed that TAZZ was getting the shaft last time I watched. He's the BEST the ECW has to offer, and he's a terd. Well, RVD was cool, and Tijiri is always cool.

I want the stuff DX was running to come back. I want a cooler Stone Cold. I want Test GONE! I want Steve Blackman BACK! And Ken Shamrock too! Get rid of 90% of the DEAD WEIGHT in the alliance, and get back to business as usual.

They have ONE MORE NIGHT!!

09-24-2001, 04:13 PM
I want the stuff DX was running to come back. I want a cooler Stone Cold. I want Test GONE! I want Steve Blackman BACK! And Ken Shamrock too!

You want to go back to 1998!!!

So do I, best time ever in the WWF.

<IMG SRC="">
<IMG SRC="">
I am That F'n Good! <a href="">WWF Raw Heat Club</a> - <a href="">WWFallon</a>

09-24-2001, 04:44 PM
Are you guys f'n retarded?!?! How boring would wrestling be if we had to watch the same thing for 3 years straight? Thats what you are asking for. DX is dead, and will be dead for as long as HBK is sitting at home and HHH is a main-eventer. And why on God's green earth would you ask for Steve Blackman to be back, were you taken aback by his amazing mic skills?! The WWF was cool in 1998, I'll be the first to admit that, but in order to be successful you have to change with the times dumbass. The people like RVD, Jericho, HHH, and Angle are the new generation. The ball is in their court, and quite frankly they are doing a very good job. The days of DX and Austin/McMahon are gone. Move on pal, and FYI you will never see Shamrock in the WWF again.

09-24-2001, 05:35 PM
Since I'm a total wrestling addict, the WWF is basically all there is to watch, unless I buy tapes of wrestling from Mexico or Japan (which I do, but that can get expensive).

But the WWF is getting VERY predictable, VERY fast. It's the same crap over and over again. Look at the recent Austin / Angle stuff. Austin stealing the medals....Austin throwing the medals into the river....the "I'm paralyzed" injury angle....this is stuff the WWF has done numerous times before. It's played.

The WWF would have had a great, possibly epic storyline in the whole Invasion, but Vince and the rest have pretty much killed it from the beginning. Don't give me that crap about "they didn't have the top stars from WCW". True, but they could have done a LOT better than they have with the storyline. Instead we get to see the credible WCW stars like DDP and Booker T have to job to The Rock and The No-Selling Neo-Hogan Beast Known As The Undertaker.

I'll keep watching, no matter what, but if the WWF wants to keep from losing fans, they need to do two things: 1. Remove WCW and give them their own show, NOW (ever watch Excess? Neither do I. They could give WCW that time slot and the ratings would HAVE to be better, because they certainly can't get any worse) rather than later and 2.) stop cannibalizing old storylines and come up with some fresh ideas.

Seeing as Stephanie McMahon is head of the writing team, I don't think that will be the case. I guess we'll just have to look forward to more 40 minute interviews with the McMahons.

<img border="0" src="" width="300" height="100">

What sick ridiculous puppets we are / and what gross little stage we dance on / What fun we have dancing and fucking / Not a care in the world / Not knowing that we are nothing / We are not what was intended

Death Metal Moe
09-24-2001, 05:53 PM
SORRY THEGAMEHHH if I miss QUALITY. Sorry if I miss a number of story lines that I could follow, and care about. Sorry if I demand seing the BEST at the WWF, not the Best competing with the REJECTS. There USED to be a place for the less than perfect to go. But now there's only one game in town, and the crap is bringing it down.

And yea, I want 1998 back. I want a lot of ass kickin' and comedy. Is that too much to ask?

Oh, and sorry I like Blackman and Shamrock Dumbass. I feel that they didn't need mic skills to kick ass, and have intensity. And it was that much more FUNNY when they tried to do the skits.

And I like the posts WWFallon and Seven hve up. they're still fans, but they have problems with the WWF. If you'll only name call me, then listen to them.

09-24-2001, 06:16 PM
The people like RVD, Jericho, HHH, and Angle are the new generation.

I love the new gen, but I became a WWF fan in mid-98 and it was new and exciting. I think the internet has ruined it a little by knowing what could happen, but it's also a great forum to interact with other fans.

and FYI you will never see Shamrock in the WWF again.

He's still under contract and can't do shoot fighting forever. If he came back now it would be a huge mistake, he'd get lost in the Alliance/WWF fued.

<IMG SRC="">
<IMG SRC="">
I am That F'n Good! <a href="">WWF Raw Heat Club</a> - <a href="">WWFallon</a>

09-24-2001, 07:03 PM
I actually like a lot of the WCW guys, and think they have talent. But they've never been able to really mesh well with the other WWF wrestlers. Part of it is because they have a different style, part of it is that the WWF hasn't done much to get them over (okay, guys like Helms and Booker T, but the rest?), and a big part of it is that, after years of being programmed to hate all things WCW, it's hard to make the WWF fan give a damn about anyone in the Alliance (except the WWF defectors and ECW talent). WCW just needs their own show. As soon as possible. I've heard on the net sites (which aren't really that reliable) that the WWF plans to give them a show after Wrestlemania, but that's half-a-year away, and I don't think they can wait that long. Give WCW it's own show, let the WCW guys do their own thing and form their own identity, and let the WWF get back to business.

I miss 1998 too. That was when Attitude was the strongest. But now, Vince is like Alexander the Great, he really has no other lands to conquer. He's become a little complacent, and unfortunately, it shows.

Things could be worse though: tonight on RAW we get Rock vs. RVD as a main event. We could still be stuck in the hell of 4-5 months ago and be forced to watch the Undertaker in a main event feud. Now that IS a reason to give up on the WWF.

<img border="0" src="" width="300" height="100">

What sick ridiculous puppets we are / and what gross little stage we dance on / What fun we have dancing and fucking / Not a care in the world / Not knowing that we are nothing / We are not what was intended

09-24-2001, 10:00 PM
OK NJD, sorry for blowing up. I had a rough day and I think I'm just pissed at everything. Look I have been a wrestling fan for quite sometime, probably before many of these posters were. I'll be the first to admit the 1998 Generation of Attitude revolutionized wrestling as we know it. If it wasn't for attitude we probably wouldnt ever see wrestling on TV as it is today. But what I was trying to say was that the one thing that I have liked in the WWF throughout the years has been it's ability to change. All I'm saying is that you can't be stuck in 1998 forever and wish for things that are already passed and done. Like for example it would be a total waste of my time to sit here and write that I miss Hogan and the Ultimate Warrior and I can;t wait to see them on TV again. They are dead, and as much as I actually do miss them (not so much Hogan) I accept that that era is over and done with. Just like the DX era is over as well. It was just something to think about, sorry I blew up.

09-24-2001, 11:27 PM
The hell with how the WcW
stars are being misused.....
What about Justin Credible...
If he loses to Crash again I
will go nuts.... Let him bring
his singapore cane.... What
about Raven is the
question.... He may be the
best mike man in the
business..... I never liked
tazz so I won;t complain about
him..,,. How about Van Dam
saying he is the whole F'n
show instead of Damn.... I iss
the goofy Stevie Richards who
palled around with Raven....
Don;t get me started on
Saturn... the WWF is too
political and are afraid to do
interesting things
anymore....Also Bring back

David the Franchize
Let them eat Cake!

Death Metal Moe
09-25-2001, 05:47 AM
I wasn't mad at you at all THEGAMEHHH. Your opinion is your right. Not that you should care about my opinion too much either.

I do understand your point. The past is gone, and we must move on. IF you live in the past, you miss the present. I just got this topic going to see if anyone else felt like me.

I should be excited that Angle is the champ now, but I can't get into it. I watched like 20 minutes of RAW last night.

And I'M PISSED TOO! Wrestling was one of the LAST things I actually bothered to watch on TV every time is was on. Now, I have almost NO shows besides the Daily Show to look forward to on the Idiot box. GODDAMN! Comedy Central and Cartoon Network are like it! And I find myslef watching A LOT more History, Discovery, Animal Planet, and shit like that just because TV is a FUCKING WASTELAND!!

Come on WWF! PLEASE do SOMETHING to get me interested again! You're my last great hope. Get well soon HHH and Benoit!

Death Metal Moe
09-29-2001, 07:20 PM
Top of the Food chain, YO!

I want to keep this one going! Who else will weigh in?

09-29-2001, 08:50 PM
Okay, I'll keep it going.

Even though the WWF does seem to be heading into a slump (maybe cause the boss' daughter is running the writing / booking team? Nepotism STINKS.), it could be much worse. Like the WWF circa 1995.

Two '95 references which always horrify me: "Diesel - World Wrestling Federation Champion" and "King Mabel".

<img border="0" src="" width="300" height="100">

"I smoke. I take drugs. I drink. I wash every six weeks. I masturbate constantly and fling my steaming poison semen down from my window to your hair and food. I'm a rich and respected columnist for a major metropolitan newspaper. I live with two beautiful women in the city's most expensive and select community. Being a bastard WORKS."
--Spider Jerusalem

Death Metal Moe
09-30-2001, 07:12 PM
OOOOOOH. Way to put things in perspective, Se7en.

Even though the WWF might be toilet bound, you're right about it being A LOT worse back then.

And I wan't aware that Steph was on the writing team. That's one of the big problems.

I remember when Vince Russo left. I thought, who cares! He's not the whole WWF. But now I see how important real writers are!

09-30-2001, 07:23 PM
Vince Russo is over-rated. The WWF got big because of the Attitude (borrowed from ECW).

Most of his angle's got shot down by McMahon, that's why he went to WCW and tried the crap McMahon wouldn't let him.

I like the current state of the WWF right now, the past RAW and Smackdown! had plenty of wrestling and not as much sports entertainment.

Kronik's gone, Taker and Kane lost the Tag Title's, another wCw wrestler got over (Hurricane) and Angle is WWF Champion.

<IMG SRC="">
I am That F'n Good! <a href="">WWF Raw Heat Club</a> - <a href="">WWFallon</a>

RF Godfather
10-01-2001, 12:00 PM
Being a wrestling mark, I can not just stop watching wrestling period. I love it but I can not stand the Dwayne or Stunning Steve Williams no more. Bring back The Million Dollar Man with MECW's Mr. Perfect, The Hitman along with Flair for some mat work. If you mix those legends in the mix with RVD, Jericho, Christian, Kanyon, Hurricane, Reno, Tazz and Storm and maybe the WWF could be something to watch. PERIOD!

Look up in the sky... it's a bird... it's a plane... no it's not Hurricane... it's THE RON & FEZ MARK!


Death Metal Moe
10-01-2001, 04:14 PM
Also, I wanted to say that I'm NOT one of those assholes who would hold up the "shut up and wrestle" signs. I would turn an all wrestling show off too. The tricky thing is I that I want the balance of wreslting and talk they had, just GOOD talk!


I bet he's even gonna suck when he comes back. If he doesn't come out of the rehab, and hit EVERY WCW/ECW ASSHOLE in the head with his sledge right as he walks in the door, then I'll turn that show off too.

10-02-2001, 10:09 PM
OK NJD, I feel obligated to throw my two cents in again. First of all, Se7en put things into a decent perspective. The WWF was horrible in 1995, and we should all be thankful those days are over. The other two things I wanted to discuss are the fact that Steph is now writing instead of that nut-ball Vince Russo. Now although Steph does not have the greatest ideas, in all honesty when it comes down to it, she is better than Russo, period. If she wasn't the old-WCW would be on top now cause Russo would have brought them there, but he failed miserably. WWFallon was right, most of his stuff got shot down by McMahon and when he tried it in WCW you ended up with David Arquette as the champ, come on. The final thing is this, Ron_and_Fez_Mark, I don't want to start trouble, but there is nothing I hate more than when people whine about not seeing the stars from the 80's. THAT WAS 20 YEARS AGO! Move on. I give The Million Dollar Man, Curt Henning, and Flair all the props in the world, but they would never survive today, their time is over. Period. Ok, just tryin to keep the thread going cause it's a good one.

RF Godfather
10-03-2001, 10:44 AM
ok hhh... i know I'm trapped in a time warp... oh well... I understand where your coming from though... PERIOD!

Look up in the sky... it's a bird... it's a plane... no it's not Hurricane... it's THE RON & FEZ MARK!


10-03-2001, 01:44 PM
I agree with the statement that, as bad as Stephanie can be, she's nowhere near as bad as Russo is. Russo made a nice contribution to "WWF Attitude", but if you really look closely at some of the stuff he did with Crash was fun at the time, but in retrospect, a lot of that stuff looks like crap now. A lot of it was dumb and just plain didn't make sense.

I can understand missing 80s stars. Dibiase was a pretty decent worker there for a while (when he wasn't doing blow), Henning was incredible in the late 80s / early 90s (and still can sell like a mofo), and Flair....I still say Flair should have a place in the WWF in the future. Not as a wrestler, but in some capacity, because the man is a legend in the business and still has a lot to add.

If I could bring one 80s star back, for one match, I'd bring Ricky Steamboat. Book him against a healthy Chris Benoit, and just sit back for a fucking clinic on wrestling.

<img border="0" src="" width="300" height="100">

"I smoke. I take drugs. I drink. I wash every six weeks. I masturbate constantly and fling my steaming poison semen down from my window to your hair and food. I'm a rich and respected columnist for a major metropolitan newspaper. I live with two beautiful women in the city's most expensive and select community. Being a bastard WORKS."
--Spider Jerusalem

Death Metal Moe
10-10-2001, 03:12 PM
TOP! HA! What cheesy thing to do!

10-11-2001, 02:22 PM
What is wrong with the
WWF????? A clais example is
Mike Awesome..... He is as
talented as they come and he
is doing crap... then he loses
to Spike Dudley and they act
like it is a huge upset..... I
mean who the heck did Awesome
beat... I was expecting him to
lose to Spike.... another huge
problem is too many FRAGGEN

David the Franchize
Let them eat Cake!

10-14-2001, 05:26 PM
The WWF is getting very stale. The reason is that they are not pushing the talent anymore. It's all about the McMahon family. It's boring and old, and anyone who thinks Stephanie has any real talent or deserves to be on TV is smoking crack. Stop the madness and stop promoting yourselves!

Death Metal Moe
10-16-2001, 06:53 AM
I know you care, so I typed this.

I have GIVEN UP on the WWF. That's it. There's too many wrestlers. The WCW guys STILL BLOW! Stone Cold is a FAG now. Steve Blackman is gone. And all the story lines are BULLSHIT. So good-bye WWF. I have my Monday and Thursday nights BACK!

10-16-2001, 07:09 AM
It sucked when ECW went out of biz and there was no more competition between WCW and WWF at least in the TV aspect.

I haven't watched any wrestling (save for a ECW DVD) since July. And the last live event, and probally it will be the last for a while was the RAW/Smackdown at the garden.

I'm realizing now the wrestling has "jumped the shark" or reached a peak of popularity.

Last week I looked into WWF New York and the place was nearly empty. And this was on a friday night. And I don't think it was due to 9/11 since I was at Applebees eariler and it was crowded as the rest of Times Square was.

I've been tired of it for a while. What another PPV with a "three-way match" again?

<img src="">

10-26-2001, 09:41 AM
the wcw/ecw should have come
with bishoff,russo or flair at the helm of the invasion.
and i guarentee this would still be fresh.. oh vinnie mac
gonna fight shane at survivor series. looking forward to that. isn't everyone. kinda of hard to keep the pop in the alliance angle. when the book has to carry everything and they have hime lose to jerico.
who is a mid carder with two much of a push. answer why they holding back lance storm.
and have turned raven and saturn into kee-wee and dog.
ddp. in the words of the hurricane whuts up with that.
ddp can have the best rivals.
oh well..........laters

bad streets of brooklyn
flatbush training arms