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Orton v. Undertaker at Wrestlemania?? [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : Orton v. Undertaker at Wrestlemania??

02-17-2005, 08:48 AM
PWTorch is reporting a new Legend v. Legendkiller match, Randy orton v. Undertaker.

Guess no Taker/Kane v. Snitsky Heidenreich...

<img src=>
Please don't hold my huge nutbag against me, or I'll hold it against you that you have flapjack tits

02-17-2005, 09:33 AM
Makes no sense. But saying that. The WWE will do it. Beacuse God forbid they do somthing that makes sense.

<img src="">

Jimmy Fallon kissing Drew Barrymore -- on the field, on live TV -- right after the Red Sox won their first World Series in 86 years. In fact, they were shown in a closeup within 60 seconds of the final out. And every Red Sox fan is determined to pretend that this never happened, and that it didn't taint the moment even a little bit ... so it wasn't a huge deal.

02-17-2005, 10:34 AM
WWE might do a Matt Hardy vs. Kane vs. Gene Snitsky match at 'Mania, with Lita involved somehow. Hardy is on pace to return to the ring in early March.

At least this match makes sense.

<img border=1 src="">
Red Sox - City of Champions - Patriots</center><font color=white>

02-17-2005, 11:50 AM
From what I know it's still planned to be Snitsky and Heidenreich vs Kane and Taker. I'd rather it be that way instead of having two boring matches in a row. Just make it one.

<center><img src=""></center>

WQAQ The Soundtrack of Quinnipiac (

02-20-2005, 10:53 AM
Tool is right. They wanted to do the Kane Taker Vs Snitzky Heidenrich. But Taker did not want it. So now that Orton is tripps boy. They really want to make him over. So he is going to end takers 12-0 WM streak. And btw there has been many stories that Orton is jelouse of Batista. He is pissed that He took his spot at WM vs Trips. Alot of people have said that they have had legit heat backstage. Wich has almost become real fights. What a bitch Orton is. Here is the story on the Taker Orton WM thing.I can not find the Batisita Orton heat link. I forgot where i saw it.
Orton Taker (

<img src="">

Jimmy Fallon kissing Drew Barrymore -- on the field, on live TV -- right after the Red Sox won their first World Series in 86 years. In fact, they were shown in a closeup within 60 seconds of the final out. And every Red Sox fan is determined to pretend that this never happened, and that it didn't taint the moment even a little bit ... so it wasn't a huge deal.

This message was edited by Kevin on 2-20-05 @ 4:02 PM

02-20-2005, 10:55 AM
Batista would smack orton up like the bitch he is.

Orton's going back to evolution.

<img src=>
Please don't hold my huge nutbag against me, or I'll hold it against you that you have flapjack tits

02-20-2005, 02:29 PM
Orton really shouldn't be mad at Dave. Orton couldn't connect with the fans due to his lack of personailty and slimy fish mouth smile. I mean, the guy, without WWE trying to make us think he's "cool" is nothing more than an extra from The OC. Batista is like the smarter version of Kevin Nash's Diesel character, and he wasn't pushed to the moon without an explanation like Orton was. That's why the fans like him. If Orton wants to pick a fight with anyone, then he should direct his attention to the guy that pushed him too fast, Triple H.

Jesus - The Source of my Strength!
<IMG SRC="">
<marquee>"The Revolution will not be televised!"</marquee>
"The first casualty of War, is Truth!" - James Enthume

02-20-2005, 03:25 PM
Orton was better as a heel and r.n.n shorts

This message was edited by Dead_Head on 2-20-05 @ 7:26 PM

02-20-2005, 03:52 PM
Batista is like the smarter version of Kevin Nash's Diesel character, and he wasn't pushed to the moon without an explanation like Orton was. That's why the fans like him. If Orton wants to pick a fight with anyone, then he should direct his attention to the guy that pushed him too fast, Triple H.

You act as if the same thing that happened to Orton - being upstaged by HHH and booked to fail almost as soon as he gets the title - won't happen to Batista if (and when) he wins the title at Mania.

It's a safe bet that come June, at the latest, HHH will have the title again and Batista will be back in the midcard. I mean, they're ALREADY complaining that, should they put the title on him, they have no main event heels to pair him up against. You know what that means? Prolonged feud with HHH. Which will kill Batista's heat, and you-know-who will use that as an excuse to put the title back on himself so that he can inch ever closer to breaking Ric Flair's total number of title reigns.

As for Orton v. Undertaker - I don't even particularly like Orton, but the WWE, if they are going to do this match, would be fucking worthless if they put Taker over the kid. They've already had a hell of a time creating new stars, and it'd be absolute lunacy, if they really are dedicated to making a megastar of Orton, to do anything but have Taker put him over. Enough of this "locker room leader" bullshit, it's time for Taker to live up to all he's useful for now, which is putting over the younger talent.

02-21-2005, 12:44 PM
No one has permission to kill my legend.



02-21-2005, 05:10 PM
On a side note.When ever JR or an announcer says its over right here or we have a new champion. ITS NOT ENDING AT THAT TIME.

<img src="">

Jimmy Fallon kissing Drew Barrymore -- on the field, on live TV -- right after the Red Sox won their first World Series in 86 years. In fact, they were shown in a closeup within 60 seconds of the final out. And every Red Sox fan is determined to pretend that this never happened, and that it didn't taint the moment even a little bit ... so it wasn't a huge deal.

02-21-2005, 08:42 PM
As for Orton v. Undertaker - I don't even particularly like Orton, but the WWE, if they are going to do this match, would be fucking worthless if they put Taker over the kid. They've already had a hell of a time creating new stars, and it'd be absolute lunacy, if they really are dedicated to making a megastar of Orton, to do anything but have Taker put him over. Enough of this "locker room leader" bullshit, it's time for Taker to live up to all he's useful for now, which is putting over the younger talent.

You know, to me, this match shouldn't even take place. I mean, where's the history, where's the interest, where's the sense, or talent for that matter. For Orton to have a good showing, he always needs a solid wrestler to lead him. That's why he had a great match against Christian last week on Raw. For Orton to be matched against The Undertaker however is a big mistake as it would expose him for the still-green kid that he is. He's made a lot of improvement but he can not look good against 'Taker. 'Taker himself always needs an Angle or a HBK or any other top tier mat technician to look good. This match had better not take place.

Jesus - The Source of my Strength!
<IMG SRC="">
<marquee>"The Revolution will not be televised!"</marquee>
"The first casualty of War, is Truth!" - James Enthume

King Imp
02-22-2005, 08:13 AM
This really annoys me. Just like sleepyeyed_Jynx said, where is the history? Even though the proposed tag match would have been a snoozefest for some because they hate big men, at least it had history. You think they did what they did at the Royal Rumble just for the hell of it?

Now, the Undertaker doesn't want that match (which he would most likely win), but instead wants to face Orton (which he'll most likely lose and break the streak)? Where is the sense in that?

02-28-2005, 11:20 AM
There is no sense in it at all.
Taker does not put him over and he just looks bad. Taker put him over and he just looks bad. Both cases are bad. Taker needs to win this. Orton needs to lose and prove once and for all..he isn't who he says he is.

My legend deserves better that this.



02-28-2005, 12:21 PM
WWE might do a Matt Hardy vs. Kane vs. Gene Snitsky match at 'Mania, with Lita involved somehow. Hardy is on pace to return to the ring in early March.

At least this match makes sense.
Is this even likely now that Lita has suddenly disappeared from Matt's website?

<img src=""><BR><A href="">Chaotic Concepts</a>

02-28-2005, 12:24 PM
WWE might do a Matt Hardy vs. Kane vs. Gene Snitsky match at 'Mania, with Lita involved somehow. Hardy is on pace to return to the ring in early March.

At least this match makes sense.
Is this even likely now that Lita has suddenly disappeared from Matt's website?

<img src=""><BR><A href="">Chaotic Concepts</a>

Yea there are a lot of reports that they are splitting up.

<img src="">
Big Thanx to Fallon.

Jimmy Fallon kissing Drew Barrymore -- on the field, on live TV -- right after the Red Sox won their first World Series in 86 years. In fact, they were shown in a closeup within 60 seconds of the final out. And every Red Sox fan is determined to pretend that this never happened, and that it didn't taint the moment even a little bit ... so it wasn't a huge deal.</center>

02-28-2005, 06:45 PM
Well, it's official. They just eluded to it and it looks like the big deal is that Orton will end Undertaker's Wrestlemania winning streak.

<center><img src=""></center>

WQAQ The Soundtrack of Quinnipiac (

02-28-2005, 06:46 PM
Yea.. Just saw that. The crowed actually boo'd

<img src="">
Big Thanx to Fallon.

Jimmy Fallon kissing Drew Barrymore -- on the field, on live TV -- right after the Red Sox won their first World Series in 86 years. In fact, they were shown in a closeup within 60 seconds of the final out. And every Red Sox fan is determined to pretend that this never happened, and that it didn't taint the moment even a little bit ... so it wasn't a huge deal.</center>

02-28-2005, 08:37 PM
Kurt Angle rocks my world.

I hope he beats the Cheese Box Kid.

<img src=>
Please don't hold my huge nutbag against me, or I'll hold it against you that you have flapjack tits

02-28-2005, 08:39 PM
Very nice surprise to see Angle on Raw. I wish he would stay there.

Your day are number!
<img border=1 src="">
Red Sox - City of Champions - Patriots</center><font color=white>

02-28-2005, 08:42 PM
He might be drafted to end his career for now with a big push.

<img src=>
Please don't hold my huge nutbag against me, or I'll hold it against you that you have flapjack tits

03-05-2005, 03:21 PM

Look into my eyes and you will know I am the Reaper.
My rage and my anger boiling like seether.
I am the Undertaker and I will take your soul.
And bury you six feet deep into a big black hole.
I am turned on by broken bones and blood shed.
You cannot kill me because I'm already dead.
I love that you are afraid, I love the stench of your fear.
When you hear the sound of funeral bells, you know that I am near.
Get into a fight with me, you'll never survive.
I'll stuff you in a body bag and bury you alive.
Lurking in the shadows, filling humans with fright.
My heart is colder than the Artic, and darker than a thousand midnights.
I am the Lord of Darkness, the epitome of evil.
You cannot defeat me, because your mind is weak and feeble.
I am Draconic and sadistic to the bone.
I'll chokeslam you and finish you off with the tombstone.
I will throw you into an inferno, and watch you burn.
They place your ashes into Paul's urn.
You cannot hide from me, I'm the real life boogie man.
When the lights go out, better run while you can.
Try to put an end to me, you'll have a date with my fist.
And when I get through you will wish you didn't even exist.
I am a merciless, ruthless beast.
And may your decaying, rotten carcass.........REST IN PEACE!!!!!!!!!!

03-05-2005, 03:33 PM

Look into my eyes and you will know I am the Reaper.
My rage and my anger boiling like seether.
I am the Undertaker and I will take your soul.
And bury you six feet deep into a big black hole.
I am turned on by broken bones and blood shed.
You cannot kill me because I'm already dead.
I love that you are afraid, I love the stench of your fear.
When you hear the sound of funeral bells, you know that I am near.
Get into a fight with me, you'll never survive.
I'll stuff you in a body bag and bury you alive.
Lurking in the shadows, filling humans with fright.
My heart is colder than the Artic, and darker than a thousand midnights.
I am the Lord of Darkness, the epitome of evil.
You cannot defeat me, because your mind is weak and feeble.
I am Draconic and sadistic to the bone.
I'll chokeslam you and finish you off with the tombstone.
I will throw you into an inferno, and watch you burn.
They place your ashes into Paul's urn.
You cannot hide from me, I'm the real life boogie man.
When the lights go out, better run while you can.
Try to put an end to me, you'll have a date with my fist.
And when I get through you will wish you didn't even exist.
I am a merciless, ruthless beast.
And may your decaying, rotten carcass.........REST IN PEACE!!!!!!!!! RANDY ORTAN IS GOOD.UNDERTAKER IS BETTER

03-05-2005, 03:34 PM

Look into my eyes and you will know I am the Reaper.
My rage and my anger boiling like seether.
I am the Undertaker and I will take your soul.
And bury you six feet deep into a big black hole.
I am turned on by broken bones and blood shed.
You cannot kill me because I'm already dead.
I love that you are afraid, I love the stench of your fear.
When you hear the sound of funeral bells, you know that I am near.
Get into a fight with me, you'll never survive.
I'll stuff you in a body bag and bury you alive.
Lurking in the shadows, filling humans with fright.
My heart is colder than the Artic, and darker than a thousand midnights.
I am the Lord of Darkness, the epitome of evil.
You cannot defeat me, because your mind is weak and feeble.
I am Draconic and sadistic to the bone.
I'll chokeslam you and finish you off with the tombstone.
I will throw you into an inferno, and watch you burn.
They place your ashes into Paul's urn.
You cannot hide from me, I'm the real life boogie man.
When the lights go out, better run while you can.
Try to put an end to me, you'll have a date with my fist.
And when I get through you will wish you didn't even exist.
I am a merciless, ruthless beast.
And may your decaying, rotten carcass.........REST IN PEACE!!!!!!!!!

03-05-2005, 03:44 PM

With my last breath
I will breathe your name
You're my hero, even in death
In need of an angel, you came

In the dark skies of the midnight
You taught me to believe
I saw within you the light
Because of you, I breathe

I could never repay you
You've given me something to live for
My admiration is something I wish you knew
I couldn't ask for more

With you, I know I'm never alone
I now know what I'm meant to do
I feel you, deep beneath the bone
I will never forget you
I'm meant to keep you alive and known

You shall forever be...
Kept strong, deep inside me

03-05-2005, 03:46 PM

03-05-2005, 03:49 PM

03-10-2005, 04:33 PM
[Thanks to PWInsider]

-- Based on reports out of New Zealand it would appear that Randy Orton is going to be on the cover on Gay Express Magazine. The cover will feature a title of "Feeling Randy? - Is the WWE courting gay fans?"

Big Thanx to Fallon.

Jimmy Fallon kissing Drew Barrymore -- on the field, on live TV -- right after the Red Sox won their first World Series in 86 years. In fact, they were shown in a closeup within 60 seconds of the final out. And every Red Sox fan is determined to pretend that this never happened, and that it didn't taint the moment even a little bit ... so it wasn't a huge deal.</center>

03-10-2005, 05:06 PM
No, Randy just LOVES the cock.

<img src=>
Please don't hold my huge nutbag against me, or I'll hold it against you that you have flapjack tits

03-10-2005, 05:07 PM
Good point Tool....

Big Thanx to Fallon.

Jimmy Fallon kissing Drew Barrymore -- on the field, on live TV -- right after the Red Sox won their first World Series in 86 years. In fact, they were shown in a closeup within 60 seconds of the final out. And every Red Sox fan is determined to pretend that this never happened, and that it didn't taint the moment even a little bit ... so it wasn't a huge deal.</center>

03-11-2005, 11:08 AM
- Thanks to the PWTorch for the following:

This may come as a shock to some of you, but the prank Randy Orton played on Rochelle backstage at RAW a few weeks ago was simply put - disgusting. Randy got a hold of the bag and put his own feces in it, ruining just about everything she had.

We're also told that on the flight back from Japan, Randy poured a Bloody Mary all over Amy Weber which upset her quite a bit.

Randy is known backstage as a womanizer and there is currently a ton of heat on him for his childish antics. This is also part of the reason he's not in the spot where Batista is right now. WWE management thinks he is very immature and really needs to clean up his act before they go any further with him.

Ass clown.

Big Thanx to Fallon.

Jimmy Fallon kissing Drew Barrymore -- on the field, on live TV -- right after the Red Sox won their first World Series in 86 years. In fact, they were shown in a closeup within 60 seconds of the final out. And every Red Sox fan is determined to pretend that this never happened, and that it didn't taint the moment even a little bit ... so it wasn't a huge deal.</center>

03-11-2005, 11:52 AM
How could they have possibly seen this coming from a guy who went AWOL from the US Armed Services?

You know, maybe instead of rushing to push the youngest guy with a good body on the roster just to stick it in Lesnar's ass that he's no longer the youngest champ, maybe they could have waited to see how this problem child would have handled life on the road for a little while. Fuck 'em...they created the ego this little prick carries around with him, they deserve whatever crap (literally) he decides to pull.

Put him in the ring with Bob Holly & tell Bob to "do your worst." After Holly takes a few liberties with Randy's body, drop a lighting fixture on both of them & put them out of our misery.[color=white]

King Imp
03-11-2005, 01:28 PM
I sure hope the WWE realizes that if they expect the crowd to go nuts by putting Orton over the Undertaker (especially at Wrestlemania), then they are in for a rude surprise.

Oh wait, this is the WWE we're talking about. They don't seem to realize anything and are so out of touch with what the fans truly want.

This message was edited by King Imp on 3-11-05 @ 5:29 PM

03-11-2005, 09:19 PM
I never understood the shitting in the bag thing.

It's not really a "rib" so much as it is just a cruel and juvenile joke.

Here's hoping that the reason Orton was put in this match with the Undertaker was so that the old man could beat some sense into him.

03-14-2005, 05:08 PM

Boy does he look a mess but ITS JAKE THE SNAKE!!!

Big Thanx to Fallon.

Jimmy Fallon kissing Drew Barrymore -- on the field, on live TV -- right after the Red Sox won their first World Series in 86 years. In fact, they were shown in a closeup within 60 seconds of the final out. And every Red Sox fan is determined to pretend that this never happened, and that it didn't taint the moment even a little bit ... so it wasn't a huge deal.</center>

03-22-2005, 03:27 PM
I think undertaker is going to kick, the legend killer ass!

03-22-2005, 03:55 PM
This is really the only match I don't have a prediction for the outcome of.

<center><img src=""></center>

WQAQ The Soundtrack of Quinnipiac (

King Imp
03-25-2005, 12:04 AM
It looks like the Undertaker will be keeping his streak alive afterall. According to WrestleZone, Orton will be out for a few months after WM for shoulder surgery. I can't see them possibly putting him over with this looming.

From WrestleZone:
- At this point, Randy Orton is not expected to be moved to Smackdown. He will be taking time off after Wrestlemania to get surgery for a bad shoulder. He'll be out for at least several months and has been pulled from all house shows following WrestleMania. We'll have more on this shortly.

03-25-2005, 04:56 AM
It's giving him far too much attention, but the mark in me wishes that every legend Orton has attacked makes an appearance at WM and takes a shot at him before Undertaker finishes him off.

I was hoping that Undertaker was going to be mad not that Orton slapped him, but that he slapped him with all the strength of a small child.

Now I'm starving

I'm about to turn it up a notch!

03-25-2005, 05:49 AM
This may come as a shock to some of you, but the prank Randy Orton played on Rochelle backstage at RAW a few weeks ago was simply put - disgusting. Randy got a hold of the bag and put his own feces in it, ruining just about everything she had.

Didn't X-pac get in trouble for doing this to Sable?

And is he a heel again now, or are they just building that he's unstable?

<center><IMG SRC="">
<center><a href="">Check out my blog. I'd be witty here, but I gave up on that a while ago.</a> </center>

03-25-2005, 06:59 AM
Yeah, the Stacy thing made his heel turn official. But honestly, I hope WWE realizes that they shouldn't trust certain wrestler's "pet projects" to main event for them when nobody likes them.

<center><img src=""></center>

WQAQ The Soundtrack of Quinnipiac (

03-25-2005, 11:29 AM
I think JR made it seem like that he has not turned by saying "i get what he is doing. If he could do this to his girl freind. What won't he do to the Undertaker"

The strong man is not the good wrestler; the strong man is only the one who controls himself when he is angry.

03-25-2005, 06:02 PM
That's what I was thinking, but it makes no sense.

And I hope they don't show Stacey with him again. That would just seem stupid

<center><IMG SRC="">
<center><a href="">Check out my blog. I'd be witty here, but I gave up on that a while ago.</a> </center>

03-25-2005, 06:13 PM

<img src=>

03-25-2005, 08:25 PM
This may come as a shock to some of you, but the prank Randy Orton played on Rochelle backstage at RAW a few weeks ago was simply put - disgusting. Randy got a hold of the bag and put his own feces in it, ruining just about everything she had.

Didn't X-pac get in trouble for doing this to Sable?

Only because Sable either filed, or threatened to file, a lawsuit against the WWE.

Honestly, the WWE probably won't do anything to him under the whole old school "boys will be boys" mentality, but they'd be wise to punish him. Shit like this, if Rochelle or whomever he did this too decided to sue the WWE, they'd have a hell of a good case claiming a hostile work environment.

As for the Mania match.......the buildup is awful. They're doing everything wrong in the way they're booking Orton. I don't even care if he wins - they may have it set in stone that Taker's going over. But that doesn't excuse them for booking him as a pussy going into the match. If they're actually intent on pushing this kid, than they should at least make the effort to book him strong going into the match even if the plan is to have him lose.

<center> </center>

King Imp
03-26-2005, 08:25 PM
I think JR made it seem like that he has not turned by saying "i get what he is doing. If he could do this to his girl freind. What won't he do to the Undertaker"

More talking down to and coddling of the fans, as if to say we don't have a brain of our own and that we have to be spoonfed their explanations.