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RFW: Enter Bobby "The Blaze" Washington. RFW's Commish. [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : RFW: Enter Bobby "The Blaze" Washington. RFW's Commish.

11-14-2001, 12:30 PM
Appears on the Titan Tron

::Crowd goes apeshit::

::Crowd gives him a standing ovation::

Blaze: "Thank you. Thank you. Well, it's great to be back in the wrestling organization!"

::Crowd cheers::

Blaze: "As you all seem to know, I was the longest running champion in ANY wrestling federation's history!"

::Crowd roars::

Blaze: "As you also know I have retired my wrestling boot long ago."

::Crowd boo's::

Blaze: "But today I want to announce that I will be RFW COMMISSIONER!!!"

::Crowd explodes::

Blaze: "I want all you wrestlers in the back to know that I run this federation like a well oiled machine. I have full range to do what I please! That power was given to me by Mr. Pochiello and I will not disappoint him. I may be 45 years old and out of my prime, but I will not hesitate to knock you back into line!! I can be fair, I can be unfair...but i WILL NOT BE TAKEN FOR GRANTED! This goes to all of RFW's talent, if you want to last in this fed. you will know your place and you will STAY IN IT! Thank you!"

::Crowd cheers::

[The Blaze exits the arena][B]I crush the rush. I rule you fool.